Equipment and Calibration History

History for Licor LI-7550 AIU-1039

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6540 2024-01-23 Lab none Returned Returned none Returned to Stephen Chan at LBL now that our 7550 AIU-1866 is back from the factory. AMP 7550 Returned with AMP LI-7500A sn 75H-2418, a 7550 thermistor, IRGA cable, and IRGA mount.
6459 2023-11-02 Disposed none Borrowed Lab none Borrowed from AMP for while our LI-7550 sn AIU-1866 is back at Licor for repairs. Came with AMP LI-7500A sn 75H-2418, a 7550 thermistor, IRGA cable, and IRGA mount. It is running firmware 8.8.31.
6299 2023-06-12 Lab none Returned Disposed none Returned to Andre Santos from Ameriflux. Returned with head 75H-2418, box brackets, head mount, IRGA cable and temp sensor.
6293 2023-05-17 Gilbert Tract Interface LI-7550 Removed Lab none This AMP 7550 was removed from GT tower and replaced with out 7550 sn AIU-1866 which is back from the factory.
6144 2023-01-03 none Installed Gilbert Tract Interface LI-7550 Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn AIU-1569, which had some corrosion inside and was acting funny.