Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 6833 for Licor LI-7700 sn: TG1-0424

Date: 2024-08-28
From: Lab - none
To: Loaned - none
Title: Calibration
Notes: Calibration Location: Lab Last calibration: 2024-02-26 RSSI=75%, Optical RH=4% Ambient P=100.08kPa, Tair=25.7C Zero Air at 1400psi, AMP CA03923 3.3865 at 1500 CH4 Zero Offset: .046ppm CH4 Span Offset: -.0225ppm Notes: Spray nozzle had been offset so RSSI~20 and Haley was refilling reservoir and manually cleaning every 2 weeks. We replace the spiky hat and spray nozzle after calibration.
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