Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 6817 for Licor LI-7810 sn: TG10-01589

Date: 2024-08-12
From: Lab - none
To: Lab - none
Title: Calibration
Notes: Zero Air, 1450psi, Last zero 2023-12-01 CH4 zero offset: 3.30ppb CO2 zero offset: -8.7ppm AMP CA03923, 3386.5ppb CH4, 488.75ppm CO2, 1500psi, Last span 2023-12-01 CH4 span offset: -0.5ppb CO2 span offset: -1.25 ppm Previous weight: 0.9971 New weight: 0.9972 Notes: Calibration in the lab before Kuno's field campaign next week. Ran zero and span gases at our usual flow rate of 2 SCFH and plumbed the system with the recommended 30cm vent before the air inlet to vent excess air pressure and to prevent diffusion of ambient air into the gas stream. I spoke with a Licor technical person at AGU (Graham I think) who said that because the laser is tuned to methane, we only need to wait for CH4 to stabilize for the calibration (don't need to wait for H2O).
Entered by: Daphne Szutu