Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 6470 for Licor LI-7500A sn: 75H-2150

Date: 2023-11-09
From: Lab -
To: Lab -
Title: Calibration
Notes: Last calibration: 2023-08-04 AGC=97.0 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1039, Presure A0=58.372, A1=15.4 Ambient P=101.1kPa, Tair=22.35C, Tdew=7.4C Zero Air at 650psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 775 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9031 -> .9041 Offset: 4.64ppm CO2 span 1.0207 -> 1.018 Offset: 1.96ppm H2O zero 0.873 -> .8731 Offset: .6ppm H2O span 1.0346 -> 1.0265 Offset: .18ppm Notes: Using loner AMP 7550 box. Removed and re-installed on BWW tower on the same day. At the BWW tower, I refilled the wash reservoir (it was empty) and checked the HMP fan (it was working, just quiet).
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