Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 5820 for Siemens SP75 sn: 020854E-6-03-02-06905

Date: 2022-05-04
From: Lab - none
To: Lab - none
Title: Repair
Notes: This panel had been under (salt) water at Yampah. The junction box on the back was all rotted out. I scraped the box off and the four junctions to the two 6V cell strings were still good. I soldered wires to the junction pads and added a screw terminal with two diodes. The panel was 20V and 4.5A in the sun. I cut the structure out of the junction box and reglued it to the back on the panel to protect the wiring and screw terminal. I think this panel is good to go.
Entered by: Joe Verfaillie