Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 562 for Licor LI-7500A sn: 0042

Date: 2012-05-10
From: Factory -
To: Lab - none
Title: Returned
Notes: Returned from repair at Licor on RMA 168677. This head went in for a bad source. Because of its age and time and cost of recalibration we had the detector and chopper motor replaced as well. New calibrations coefficients (2012-04-25): CO2 Cal: A = 1.48568E2, B = 4.72425E3, C = 4.31507E7, D = -1.33645E10, E = 1.69762E12, XS = 0.0002, Z = 9.00000E-4. H2O Cal: A = 5.38386E3, B = 3.60338E6, C = 9.95283E7, XS = -0.0002, Z = 1.53000E-2. Pressure Cal: A0 = 10.485, A1 = 26.036. Zero/Span: CO2 zero = 0.9512, CO2 span = 1.0024, H2O zero = 0.8486, H2O span = 0.9990
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