Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 5403 for Forerunner-Eosense eosFD sn: FD20190027

Date: 2021-08-04
From: Lab - none
To: Lab - none
Title: Maintenance
Notes: This chamber was removed from the Mayberry boom because its readings looked bad. In the lab I cleaned it up. There are what look like tooth or claw marks on most of the filter windows but no breaks. The initial performance check had the first of the five measurement way off which skewed everything, but its concentrations were about -140ppm. I reset the concentrations to 400ppm and did a second performance check. The second check was much better: Average Flux: -0.1, 0.05 STDEV Average ATM: 378.1ppm, 32.0C Average Soil: 374.8ppm, 32.0C I reset the baseline CO2 concentration to 400ppm again. I think this chamber can be swapped back into the field as needed.
Entered by: Joe Verfaillie