Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 2832 for Licor LI-7500A sn: 0073

Date: 2017-06-13
From: Lab - none
To: Lab - none
Title: Calibration
Notes: Last calibration: 2017-04-07 AGC=100.3 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=21.9C, Tdew=11.2C Zero Air at 1500psi, NOAA Air 402.69 at 1600 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9578 -> .9567 Offset: -3.62ppm CO2 span 1.0036 -> 1.0065 Offset: -1.63ppm H2O zero 0.7388 -> .7342 Offset: -26.9ppm H2O span 1.0096 -> 1.0251 Offset: -0.36ppm Notes: First calibration since upgrade from 7500 to 7500A. Copied coefficients for CO2 (A, B, C, D, E, XS, Z) and H2O (A, B, C, XS, Z) from sn0073_20170118post.l75 before calibration. Took about 9-10 minutes for H2O to go down to 0, took about 1-2 minutes for CO2 to reach span, and took ~9 minutes for H2O to reach span. Set span T to 15.99 in software for a 16.00 Span Dew Point.
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