Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Instrument:Solar Panel
Model No:KD140SX-UFBS
Serial No:11ZV0M0862
Tag No:
Acquisition Date:2012-03-12
Location on 2020-07-09:Loaned,
Notes: 140W, 12V


PackingSlip: ps_AZWindSun_20120312.pdf


Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
4615 2020-07-09 Loaned Disposed Disposed Given to Sabina of Hydrofocus. The DWR grant ended at the end of June 2020, and Bryan requested we hand off a tower to Hydrofocus.
4585 2020-07-09 Lab none Loaned Loaned none Given to Sabina of Hydrofocus with the Sherman Barn system