Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 1236 for Licor LI-7500A sn: 75H-2176

Date: 2014-03-17
From: Lab - none
To: Lab - none
Title: Calibration
Notes: Last calibration: 2013-08-27 AGC=88.4 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.31kPa, Tair=24.17C, Tdew=0.47C Zero Air at 1400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1550 Tdewspan=15.22 CO2 zero 0.8685 -> 0.8687 Offset: 1.42ppm CO2 span 1.0099 -> 1.0113 Offset: -0.84ppm H2O zero 0.8539 -> 0.8531 Offset: 1.4ppm H2O span 1 -> 0.9904 Offset: 0.49ppm Notes: Calibrated by Joe. Initially calibrated on March 12th but had very large offsets. I discovered that very small changes in SS caused by the hood (~4%) caused about 50ppm changes in CO2. A second calibration on the 17th was much better.
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