Equipment and Calibration

Equipment history at Vaira

| ALL | | Anemometer || Battery Bank || Camera || CO2 Probe || Data Logger || Forced Diffusion || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Interface || LED sensor || Moisture Point || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || Precipitation || Pyranometer || Radio || RH & Temp || Soil Moisture Probe || Solar Controller || Solar Panel || Weather Station |

SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) AND b.equip=:eq ORDER BY b.serialno, a.eh_date

Date Serial No. Model Action Ref Notes
2017-05-24 000192 1189PC Removed Removed from the Vaira Tower. Replaced by the new Licor GHG system from Ameriflux.
2012-08-22 4994 CFM100 Installed Installed with CR1000 sn 23865 to collect flux data at the Vaira tower in parallel with winflux. This data logger is in the box with the sonic PSU.
2017-05-24 4994 CFM100 Removed Removed from the Vaira Tower. Replaced by the new Licor GHG system from Ameriflux.
2013-01-24 6761 NL115 Installed Installed the the computer box with CR1000 sn 47108 to collect images from the Phenecam
2013-05-15 6761 NL115 Removed This NL115 was removed from Vaira along with CR1000 sn 47108 where they were used to collect images from the Starsot Phenocam. They were replaced by a Raspberry Pi
2017-04-10 AIU-0650 LI-7550 Installed Interface LI-7500 Added to the Vaira eddy tower for the Ameriflux inter-comparison and the transition to newer LI-7500A eddy systems.
2017-05-11 AIU-0650 LI-7550 Removed Removed from Vaira because the Ameriflux intercomparison finished and because we received new 7500A and sonics from Ameriflux. This interface was replaced by interface AIU-1870.
2017-05-11 AIU-1870 LI-7550 Installed Interface LI-7550 Installed at Vaira to replace interface interface AIU-650.
2017-08-17 AIU-1870 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 We upgrade the firmware from v8.5.0 to v8.75
2018-03-06 AIU-1870 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 Downgraded from embedded software version 8.7.5 to version 8.5.0 so that the interface version is consistent across the lab. We had to downgrade other interfaces to 8.5.0 to solve the data-header mismatch we had with version 8.7.5.
2021-06-02 AIU-1870 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 The firmware was upgraded from v8.5.0 to v8.8.32 for standardization with the Delta Licor systems
2023-07-10 AIU-1870 LI-7550 Notes none Pressure coefficients found in a calibration file. A0=58.383 A1=15.574
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