Equipment and Calibration

Equipment history at Twitchell Alfalfa

| ALL | | Anemometer || Battery Bank || Camera || CO2 Probe || Data Logger || Forced Diffusion || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Interface || LED sensor || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || Precipitation || RH & Temp || Soil Moisture Probe || Solar Controller || Solar Panel || Weather Station |

SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) AND b.equip=:eq ORDER BY b.serialno, a.eh_date

Date Serial No. Model Action Ref Notes
Heat Flux Plate
2013-05-24 6342 HFP01 Installed Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site
2014-08-13 6342 HFP01 Moved Moved back into the field from the edge of the field where it had been buried temporarily after being pull out.
2016-03-02 6342 HFP01 Removed Removed from -2cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep.
2016-05-12 6342 HFP01 Moved moved from 1st (W) channel on met CR1000 to the 1st (NE) channel on the soil co2 CR1000
2018-06-13 6342 HFP01 Removed Heat Flux Plate A Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2013-05-24 6491 HFP01 Installed Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site
2016-03-02 6491 HFP01 Removed Removed from -2cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep. There is a chip where the cable connects and scratch on the top surface.
2016-05-17 6491 HFP01 Moved moved from 3rd (west) channel on met CR1000 to the 3rd (NE) channel on the soil co2 CR1000
2018-06-13 6491 HFP01 Removed Heat Flux Plate C Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2013-05-24 6498 HFP01 Installed Installed at the Twitchell Alfalfa site
2016-03-02 6498 HFP01 Removed Removed from -2cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep. There are a couple of chips in the edge of the top surface.
2016-05-17 6498 HFP01 Moved moved from 2nd (NW) channel on met CR1000 to the 2nd (SE) channel on the soil co2 CR1000
2018-06-13 6498 HFP01 Removed Heat Flux Plate B Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
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