Equipment and Calibration

Equipment history at Bouldin Corn

| ALL | | Air Quality Sensor || Anemometer || Barometer || Camera || Data Logger || Forced Diffusion || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Infrared Temperature || Interface || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || Precipitation || Range Finder || RH & Temp || Soil Moisture Probe || Solar Controller || Water Level || Weather Station |

SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) AND b.equip=:eq ORDER BY b.serialno, a.eh_date

Date Serial No. Model Action Ref Notes
Forced Diffusion
2023-03-08 FD20180026 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion C Installed under BC tower to replace sn FD20180067 which got flooded
2023-05-09 FD20180026 eosFD Moved Forced Diffusion C Moved from BC to BA to replace sn FD20160001 which broke. We should have soil CO2 flux data from Whendee's chamber measurements at BC.
2019-11-14 FD20180047 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion A Installed in the corn field near Tyler's northern soil gas ports
2019-12-20 FD20180047 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion A Removed from the field by Tyler due to being partially submerged by winter flooding.
2020-01-07 FD20180047 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion A Reinstalled at Bouldin Corn after being removed when the field was flooded. Installed near previous location on 12 inch collars.
2020-04-17 FD20180047 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion A Removed from BC and brought back to the lab because there will be tractor work on the field soon.
2020-05-29 FD20180047 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion A Reinstalled in normal density corn just in front of tower
2020-06-09 FD20180047 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion A Removed from the field because it was not responding. Cable tested okay. Maybe go too hot.
2020-07-21 FD20180047 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion A Installed in the normal density corn in front of the tower.
2020-09-01 FD20180047 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion A Removed for testing in the lab because it was not responding in the field. Probably its high temperature non-start problem.
2020-09-10 FD20180047 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion A Reinstalled after having been returned to the lab when it would not start due to being hot. (Note by Daphne 2021-08-11: I'm pretty sure this chamber was installed under the tower since we were waiting for our field to be harvested at this time).
2020-09-23 FD20180047 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion A Removed and brought back to the lab for testing because it would not connect in the field
2019-11-14 FD20180048 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion B Installed in the corn field near Tyler's southern soil gas ports
2019-12-20 FD20180048 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion B Removed from the field by Tyler due to being partially submerged by winter flooding.
2020-01-07 FD20180048 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion B Reinstalled at Bouldin Corn after being removed when the field was flooded. Installed near previous location on 12 inch collars.
2020-04-17 FD20180048 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion B Removed from BC and brought back to the lab because there will be tractor work on the field soon.
2020-05-29 FD20180048 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion B Reinstalled in normal density corn just in front of tower
2020-09-01 FD20180048 eosFD Moved Forced Diffusion B Moved tower and soil sensors back from field in preparation for corn harvest. Chambers were reinstalled under the tower.
2020-09-23 FD20180048 eosFD Moved Forced Diffusion B Moved from BC to BA to replace sn FD20160001, which was brought back to the lab for testing
2019-11-14 FD20180067 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion C Installed in the corn field in the unharvested section
2019-12-20 FD20180067 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion C Removed from the field by Tyler due to being partially submerged by winter flooding.
2020-01-07 FD20180067 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion C Reinstalled at Bouldin Corn after being removed when the field was flooded. Installed near previous location on 12 inch collars.
2020-04-17 FD20180067 eosFD Moved Forced Diffusion C Removed from the corn field and installed under the tower because there will be tractor work on the field soon.
2020-05-19 FD20180067 eosFD Moved Forced Diffusion C Moved back into the field from being under the scaffolding at the side of the field for tilling and planting. This chamber is still on a tall collar and is in normal density corn.
2020-09-01 FD20180067 eosFD Moved Forced Diffusion C Moved tower and soil sensors back from field in preparation for corn harvest. Chambers were reinstalled under the tower.
2021-07-20 FD20180067 eosFD Maintenance Forced Diffusion C Performance check done. Referenced reset to 400ppm. Average Flux: -0.4, 0.09 STDEV Average ATM: 551.1ppm, 39.5C Average Soil: 534.8ppm, 39.5C Large difference between internal chambers.
2022-01-02 FD20180067 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion C Removed from BC underneath the tower and brought back to the lab for testing. It was 1/2 submerged under water starting 2021-12-25, and Tyler put it on the lower boardwalk on 2021-12-29.
2022-02-17 FD20180067 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion C Installed at BC under the tower
2022-06-08 FD20180067 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion C Removed from field and brought back to the lab because even though the pump sounds like it's working, we haven't been able to connect to it for the past month
2022-07-14 FD20180067 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion C Installed in the corn at BC. It's in the same location from where it was removed, one row west of the zcam. I connected to the FD chamber to confirm that it was running.
2023-01-03 FD20180067 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion C Removed from BC and brought the chamber and cable back to the lab for testing. We found it floating in the water underneath the tower. The cable connector was underwater.
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