Equipment and Calibration

Equipment history at Twitchell Alfalfa

| ALL | | Anemometer || Battery Bank || Camera || CO2 Probe || Data Logger || Forced Diffusion || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Interface || LED sensor || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || Precipitation || RH & Temp || Soil Moisture Probe || Solar Controller || Solar Panel || Weather Station |

SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) AND b.equip=:eq ORDER BY b.serialno, a.eh_date

Date Serial No. Model Action Ref Notes
Data Logger
2017-12-19 2303 CR23X Removed Removed from the HMP inter-comparison at Twitchell Alfalfa
2013-05-24 25799 CR10X Installed Data Logger Radiation Installed with the initial set up of the site. This data logger collects the radiation data and is located independently in the field to the west of the main tower.
2015-06-09 25799 CR10X Removed Data Logger Radiation Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa with the soil CO2 system. An entirely new CR1000 based system was swapped in.
2013-05-24 35474 CR10X Installed Data Logger Radiation Installed on the radiation post in the alfalfa field west of the scaffolding to collect the radiation data.
2016-12-21 35474 CR10X Removed Data Logger Radiation Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa where is was recording data from the radiometers. The radiometers have been moved to the met CR1000.
2015-06-09 4190 CR1000 Installed Data Logger Soil CO2 Installed in the soil CO2 system at Alfalfa with box swap.
2018-06-13 4190 CR1000 Removed Data Logger Soil CO2 Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2013-05-24 47108 CR1000 Installed Data Logger Met Installed in the box at the Alfalfa tower to collect data from soil sensors and the HMP60 sn G4540021
2017-08-23 47108 CR1000 Upgrade Data Logger Met The OS was upgraded from probably v24 to v31.08. OS v31.08 is FAT32 and reset the CR1000 to factory settings.
2018-06-13 47108 CR1000 Removed Data Logger Met Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2018-02-13 48042 CR10X Installed Data Logger Diffuse PAR Installed in the met logger box to run the diffuse PAR RSB, fixing problem with the ppt not being recorded properly in the fast cycle on the CR1000.
2018-06-13 48042 CR10X Removed Data Logger Diffuse PAR Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
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