Equipment and Calibration
Equipment history at Bouldin Alfalfa| ALL | | Anemometer || Barometer || Camera || Data Logger || Flux Analyzer || Forced Diffusion || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Infrared Temperature || Interface || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || Precipitation || Range Finder || RH & Temp || Soil Moisture Probe || Solar Controller || Solar Panel || Weather Station |
SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) AND b.equip=:eq ORDER BY b.serialno, a.eh_date
Date | Serial No. | Model | Action | Ref | Notes |
Anemometer | |||||
2024-02-14 | 022365394 | SONIC-ANEMO-SPE10 | Installed | Weather Station B | Added to the new Arable Mark 3 sn D006812 |
2021-07-20 | 074417 | WM 1590 | Installed | Anemometer | Installed at Bouldin Alfalfa to replace sn 152806 for advection experiemnt. This sonic was compare to the other three used for the advection experiement. |
2016-08-31 | 124215 | WM 1590 | Installed | Anemometer | Installed on the Bouldin Alfalfa tower to replace sn 153806 that has a spiking problem. |
2016-10-06 | 124215 | WM 1590 | Removed | Anemometer | Removed from the Bouldin Alfalfa tower. This sensor was installed to test the system. Replaced by sn 153806. |
2016-08-12 | 153806 | WM 1590 | Installed | Anemometer | Installed with the initial set up of the site. |
2016-08-31 | 153806 | WM 1590 | Removed | Anemometer | Removed from the Bouldin Alfalfa tower due to daytime spiking problem likely due to new firmware. Replaced by sn 124215 |
2016-10-06 | 153806 | WM 1590 | Installed | Anemometer | Reinstalled on the Bouldin Alfalfa tower replacing sn 124215. This sonic is working correctly. Spikes were caused by the soil moisture probes powering up and browning out the system. |
2021-07-20 | 153806 | WM 1590 | Removed | Anemometer | Removed from Bouldin Alfalfa and replaced by sn 074417 so that the advection experiment could run with four inter-compared sonics. |