Equipment and Calibration

Equipment history at Bouldin Corn

| ALL | | Air Quality Sensor || Anemometer || Barometer || Camera || Data Logger || Forced Diffusion || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Infrared Temperature || Interface || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || Precipitation || Range Finder || RH & Temp || Soil Moisture Probe || Solar Controller || Water Level || Weather Station |

SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) AND b.equip=:eq ORDER BY b.serialno, a.eh_date

Date Serial No. Model Action Ref Notes
Air Quality Sensor
2019-02-12 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed at BC. It is bolted to the bottom side of the upper boardwalk.
2019-04-11 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed from BC and brought back to the lab for testing. The microSD card was cracked, but the sensor itself was fine.
2019-04-18 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed again at BC after checking the new microSD card and the sensor were ok.
2019-12-02 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
2020-02-20 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed at BC in an additional PVC solar/weather shield and mounted on the southwest corner post of the scaffolding.
2020-07-21 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed from BC and brought back to the lab to test. No data files on card.
2020-09-23 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed at BC to replace sn 84f3ebd5ffb1, which was brought back to the lab for testing
2020-10-22 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed from BC and brought back to the lab. The microSD card is hard to seat properly into its slot. It was replaced by sn 84f3ebd5ffb1.
2021-02-03 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Reinstalled on the BC tower after cleaning and inspection in the lab after being removed after the tower fell last week
2021-11-18 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed from BC tower and brought back to the lab because there was some corrosion on the SD card slot
2023-12-07 68c63acc07a9 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed on the BC tower in its usual spot on the southwest corner. This PA has a new card slot that Joe put in. I had brought the sensor home last week so that it could reset its clock on my wifi. However, now campus has an IOT wifi network, so maybe I can try connecting the PA to it next time.
2019-12-17 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed at Bouldin Corn after the tower was rebuilt after being knocked down by the wind. The older Purple Air is still in the lab drying out and needs to be put back together.
2020-02-12 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Brought back to the lab for inspection b/c the wifi network was not coming up
2020-08-21 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed at BC on the SW corner of the tower
2020-09-23 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed from BC and brought back to the lab for testing because it does not consistently have files on the card
2020-10-22 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed at BC to replace sn 68c63acc07a9, which was brought back to the lab.
2021-01-29 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed due to the tower falling over in the storm near midnight on 2021-01-26/27. Got rained on and the power connector is corroded
2021-12-14 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed at Bouldin Corn on the southwest scaffolding post. It is powered by mini-USB-to-USB cable that connects in the dfPAR CR10X enclosure. The microSD card slot is tucked up into the inner PVC shield to prevent water from dripping on it. The card slot is easy to pull out and tuck back in when I need to access the card.
2022-10-18 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed from BC tower and brought back to the lab for further inspection. Data over the summer seemed spiky.
2022-11-02 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Installed Air Quality Sensor Installed at BC on the tower
2023-11-20 84f3ebd5ffb1 PA-II-SD Removed Air Quality Sensor Removed from BC tower and brought back to the lab. It needs a new data card slot. The current card slot has a bad spring mechanism so cards don't physically mount.
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